Sabtu, 03 Januari 2009

Mesin Diesel

The diesel engine is a type of internal combustion engine; more specifically, it is a compression ignition heat engine, in which the fuel is ignited by being suddenly exposed to the high temperature and pressure of a compressed gas, rather than by a separate source of ignition, such as a spark plug, as is the case in the gasoline engine. This is known as the diesel cycle, after German engineer Rudolf Diesel, who invented it in 1892 based on the hot bulb engine and received the patent on February 23, 1893. Diesel intended the engine to use a variety of fuels including coal dust. He demonstrated it in the 1900 Exposition Universelle (World's Fair) using peanut oil (such as biodiesel).
The modern diesel engine is a combination of two inventor's creations. In all major aspects, it holds true to Diesel's original design, of the fuel being ignited by compression. However, nearly all present-day diesel engines use the so-called 'cold-fuel' injection system invented by Herbert Akroyd Stuart, inventor of the hot bulb engine (a similar type of engine where compression-ignition is assisted by a metal 'hot bulb' in the combustion chamber which is pre-heated before starting and then is kept hot by the ignition process). 'Cold-Fuel' injection is where the fuel is raised to extreme pressures by mechanical pumps and delivered to the combustion chamber by pressure-activated injectors. Diesel's original engine injected fuel with the assistance of compressed air, which atomised the fuel and forced it into the engine through a nozzle. The compressed air heated the fuel slightly, hence the name 'hot-fuel' injection. Cold-fuel systems are lighter, simpler and allow much faster engine speeds, and so are universally used for automotive diesel engines. Hot-fuel systems provide very efficient combustion under low-speed, high-load conditions, especially when running on poor-quality fuels, and so some large 'cathedral' marine engines use hot-fuel injection.

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